= 1) { $myipgame = mysql_fetch_object($IPu0); if($myipgame->wallet != $mywallet) { $modelrecord1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `games` WHERE `wallet`='{$mywallet}' "); $num_rows1 = mysql_num_rows($modelrecord1); if($num_rows1 > 0) { $mydata1 = mysql_fetch_object($modelrecord1); if($myipgame->wallet != $mywallet AND $mydata1->IP != $code) { $multilogin = $myipgame->wallet; $mywallet = ""; } } } } session_start(); $_SESSION['mywallet'] = $mywallet; $_SESSION['ref'] = $ref; mysql_query("UPDATE `games` SET `IP`='{$code}' WHERE `wallet`='{$mywallet}'"); } $confirm1 = $_GET['confirm1']; $confirm1=stripslashes(str_replace("/","",str_replace("`","",stripslashes(str_replace("'","",stripslashes(str_replace("\"","",stripslashes(str_replace(";","",stripslashes(str_replace("(","",stripslashes(str_replace("<","",stripslashes(str_replace(",","",stripslashes(str_ireplace("select","",str_ireplace("from","",$confirm1)))))))))))))))))); $confirm1=filter($confirm1); $confirm2 = $_GET['confirm2']; $confirm2=stripslashes(str_replace("`","",stripslashes(str_replace("'","",stripslashes(str_replace("\"","",stripslashes(str_replace(";","",stripslashes(str_replace("(","",stripslashes(str_replace("<","",stripslashes(str_replace(",","",stripslashes(str_ireplace("select","",str_ireplace("from","",$confirm2))))))))))))))))); $confirm2=filter($confirm2); $chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; $size = strlen( $chars ); $str = ""; for( $i = 0; $i < 25; $i++ ) { $str .= $chars[ rand( 0, $size - 1 ) ]; } $nowflying = 0; $youwin = 0; $errorcaptcha = 0; $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if($mywallet != ""){ $modelrecord = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `games` WHERE `wallet`='{$mywallet}' "); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($modelrecord); if($num_rows > 0) { $mydata = mysql_fetch_object($modelrecord); } $claim = $_GET['claim']; if($claim == "1") { if($num_rows == 0) { if ((substr($mywallet, 0, 1) === 't') AND (strlen($mywallet) == "35" )) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO `games` (wallet, hash, ref, countdown) VALUES('{$mywallet}', '{$str}', '{$ref}', '{$now}' ) "); $modelrecord = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `games` WHERE `wallet`='{$mywallet}' "); $mydata = mysql_fetch_object($modelrecord); mysql_query("UPDATE `stats` SET `members`=`members`+'1' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1"); } else { ?> hash == $dechash) { if($mydata->hash != "") { $nowflying = 1; $IPu0 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `games` WHERE `IP` = '{$code}' "); $IPuN = mysql_num_rows($IPu0); if($IPuN <= 1) { $Refearnperhit = $earnperhit * $set_refe; if($mydata->ref != "" AND $mydata->ref != $mydata->wallet AND $mydata->playstoday <= 25 AND $mydata->bot <= 10 AND ($mydata->nextcaptcha >= 0 OR $CaptcEn == 0) AND $mydata->playstoday != 1) {mysql_query("UPDATE `games` SET `balance`=`balance`+'{$Refearnperhit}' WHERE `wallet`='{$mydata->ref}'");} mysql_query("UPDATE `stats` SET `plays`=`plays`+'1' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1"); $donotpay=0; if($mydata->bot >= 30) $donotpay=1; if($dailycap==1 AND $mydata->playstoday==1) $donotpay=1; $seconds = time() - strtotime($mydata->countdown); if($seconds <= 4) { $donotpay=1; mysql_query("UPDATE `games` SET `bot`=`bot`+'1', `nextclaim`='1' WHERE `wallet`='{$mywallet}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE `stats` SET `Fplays`=`Fplays`+'1' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1"); } else { mysql_query("UPDATE `stats` SET `Gplays`=`Gplays`+'1' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1"); } if($donotpay==0) { if($CaptcEn == 1) { mysql_query("UPDATE `games` SET `win`=`win`+'1', `balance`=`balance`+'{$earnperhit}', `playstoday`=`playstoday`+'1', `nextcaptcha`=`nextcaptcha`-'1', `hash`='', `IP`='{$code}', `nextclaim`='$waitperclaim' WHERE (`wallet`='{$mywallet}' AND `nextclaim`='0' AND `playstoday`<'$changewaitperclaim' AND nextcaptcha>='0')"); mysql_query("UPDATE `games` SET `win`=`win`+'1', `balance`=`balance`+'{$earnperhit}', `playstoday`=`playstoday`+'1', `nextcaptcha`=`nextcaptcha`-'1', `hash`='', `IP`='{$code}', `nextclaim`='$newwaitperclaim' WHERE (`wallet`='{$mywallet}' AND `nextclaim`='0' AND `playstoday`>='$changewaitperclaim' AND nextcaptcha>='0')"); } else { mysql_query("UPDATE `games` SET `win`=`win`+'1', `balance`=`balance`+'{$earnperhit}', `playstoday`=`playstoday`+'1', `hash`='', `IP`='{$code}', `nextclaim`='$waitperclaim' WHERE (`wallet`='{$mywallet}' AND `nextclaim`='0' AND `playstoday`<'$changewaitperclaim' )"); mysql_query("UPDATE `games` SET `win`=`win`+'1', `balance`=`balance`+'{$earnperhit}', `playstoday`=`playstoday`+'1', `hash`='', `IP`='{$code}', `nextclaim`='$newwaitperclaim' WHERE (`wallet`='{$mywallet}' AND `nextclaim`='0' AND `playstoday`>='$changewaitperclaim' )"); } if($mydata->playstoday == 0) {mysql_query("UPDATE `stats` SET `playedtoday`=`playedtoday`+'1' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1");} } else { mysql_query("UPDATE `games` SET `hash`='', `IP`='{$code}', `nextclaim`='10' WHERE (`wallet`='{$mywallet}' AND `nextclaim`='0')"); } $youwin = 1; } } } } } } // check IP not changed if(rand(1, 100) <= 10) { $IPu0 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `games` WHERE `IP` = '{$code}' "); $IPuN = mysql_num_rows($IPu0); if($IPuN >= 2) { $mywallet = ""; $_SESSION['mywallet'] = ""; $multilogin = $mydata->wallet; }} } $mybalance = 0; if($mydata->balance != "") $mybalance = $mydata->balance; //session_destroy(); ?>

This IP () is already used today for different wallet address:

Try again tomorrow.
Every wallet/account should use different IP.

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"; } ?>
ID # User Address Amount Transaction ID Date Status
wallet."\" target=\"_blank\">".$row->wallet."
".number_format($row->amount*0.00000001,8)." ZER
tx."\" target=\"_blank\">".substr($row->tx, 0, 27)."...
".$row->stats."".($row->stats == "Paid" ? "💰" : " ")."

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playstoday >= $Maxclaimsperday) { ?>

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You can withdraw your earnings anytime :~)

Wallet Address:
Withdraw - Advertise - Referrals - Swap - Contact Us - Logout

Balance: Zatoshi

playstoday == 1 AND $dailycap==1) { $cid = $_GET['cid']; $cid=stripslashes(str_replace("/","",str_replace("`","",stripslashes(str_replace("'","",stripslashes(str_replace("\"","",stripslashes(str_replace(";","",stripslashes(str_replace("(","",stripslashes(str_replace("<","",stripslashes(str_replace(",","",stripslashes(str_ireplace("select","",str_ireplace("from","",$cid)))))))))))))))))); $cid=filter($cid); if($cid>0) { if($mydata->captcha == $cid) { mysql_query("UPDATE `games` SET `playstoday`='2', `bot`=`bot`-'1' WHERE `wallet`='{$mydata->wallet}' AND playstoday='1' "); } else { ?> wallet}' AND playstoday='1' "); echo "

Please Click Similar

"; while($i < 5) { $i=$i+1; if($i == $position) { echo " "; } else { $randimg=rand(1,24); if($randimg == $code) { $randimg=rand(1,20); } echo " "; } } exit; } } else if($CaptcEn == 1 AND $mydata->nextcaptcha < 0) { if (isset($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) { $captcha = $_POST['g-recaptcha-response']; } else { $captcha = false; } if (!$captcha) { //Do something with error } else { $response = file_get_contents( "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret=" . $reCapv3SC . "&response=" . $captcha . "&remoteip=" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ); // use json_decode to extract json response $response = json_decode($response); mysql_query("UPDATE `games` SET `nextcaptcha`='$CaptcAft' WHERE `wallet`='{$mywallet}'"); ?> success === false) { //Do something with error echo "Wrong Captcha Setting"; mysql_query("UPDATE `games` SET `nextcaptcha`='0' WHERE `wallet`='{$mywallet}'"); } } //... The Captcha is valid you can continue with the rest of your code //... Add code to filter access using $response . score if ($response->success==true && $response->score <= 0.5) { //Do something to denied access echo "denied access"; } ?>

plays >0) { ?>

nextclaim > 0) {?>

Possible Rewards

Zatoshi /claim

Today claims :

Wallet Address:
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+   Zatoshi added to your account balance!

0 AND $mydata->playstoday == $loginad) { $domain="viewad.php?hash=$str&user=$mywallet"; } else { $domain="collect.php?hash=$str&user=$mywallet"; } ?>

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